Spring Summits are events for preparing delegates for Annual Sessions and equipping them for discernment. Find out more information and register here: im.mennonite.net/events/spring-summit/
Welcome to weNote, a monthly collection of announcements and information we want to share with you and invite you to share within your congregation.
SubscribeSpring Summits are events for preparing delegates for Annual Sessions and equipping them for discernment. Find out more information and register here: im.mennonite.net/events/spring-summit/
Annual Sessions will be held on June 9-10 at Amigo Centre (Sturgis, MI).
Conference Sunday will be June 11, with materials provided by Conference Staff to engage congregations in a way that connects with Annual Sessions materials and IMMC.
2023 Scrap, Craft, and Quilt Dates:
Men’s Retreat:
Golf Scramble:
Conference Co-Minister Joanne Gallardo writes monthly for the Anabaptist World. Check out this month’s Five things Friday roundup: A 5 Things Playlist for Valentine’s Day.
If you would like to list an opportunity here, please contact the Conference Office.