Our yearly pastor gathering is a time of retreat, fellowship, and equipping for pastors in Indiana Michigan Mennonite Conference. May our time together help us to be centered on Jesus, to be guided by the Holy Spirit, act through grace, love and peace, and return invigorated to engage the world God loves.
Find out more information below about the Pastor Gathering and scroll to the bottom to register.
Pastor Gathering 2023 was on November 6-8
In the following schedule the items in blue are equipping (more info on these below), items in red are worship, and items in green are meals or breaks.
9:00am Healthy Boundaries Seminar (optional)
4:30pm Registration
5:30pm Supper
6:30pm Welcome & Worship
7:00am Continental Breakfast
8:30am Worship
9:00am Sharing Circles
10:30am Brunch
11:00am Personal and/or Self-guided Retreat
5:00pm Supper
6:00pm Social and/or Personal Time
7:00am Continental Breakfast
8:30am Sharing Circles
10:00am Brunch
11:00 Worship
12:00pm Journey Home…
More Information
Healthy Boundaries 101
Using training material from FaithTrust Institute, Michael Danner and Nancy Kaufman will lead an all-day workshop on November 6 for pastors and leaders. This workshop is especially for pastors and leaders who have never attended a boundaries workshop, or who want a re-fresher course on boundaries.
As part of the 2015 Kansas City Statement on Sexual Abuse, MC USA has committed to provide training in professional and sexual ethics for credentialed leaders.
FaithTrust Institute has been providing this training for over 40 years and is the standard for sexual ethics. This day long workshop will focus on Healthy Boundaries 201. Topics include defining boundaries, power and vulnerability, dating, friendships, receiving gifts, and self-care. Ministry Credentialing Team expects that all credentialed leaders will attend a healthy boundary workshop every 3 years.
This event has a separate registration, please use the button below to register.
Conversation and Retreat
Instead of having an outside speaker, we are intentionally slowing down and allowing for times of conversation and retreat. This will involve a few conversation circles, individual and guided retreats, and worship together. The agenda is simple: rejuvenation!
The theme, “Paths in the Wilderness,” comes from our 2023-24 theme verse, Isaiah 43:19: “Look! I’m doing a new thing; now it sprouts up; don’t you recognize it? I’m making a way in the desert, paths in the wilderness.” Pastoral ministry comes with many challenges and does not always provide a clear path to rest and retreat. Through times of social interaction and solititude, we hope that this time of retreat will be a welcomed break but also provide guidance and hope for the way ahead.
More information will be provided as it becomes available.
The cost of the retreat is $60 per person, which includes lodging, meals, and content provided during the gathering. Please contact the conference office or one of the conference ministers to make special arrangements or for financial assistance.