Hello Delegates!

We are looking forward to gathering again in the Spring of 2024. We have 2 options for Spring Summits: an in-person gathering or a virtual gathering on Zoom. You can choose from one of the two options for gathering based on your availability and format preference. You can either join us in-person at Prairie Street Mennonite Church (Elkhart, IN) on March 9 or via Zoom on March 16. We invite you to register for whichever one you’d prefer with the assurance that the content will be consistent between the two (without all the pesky troubles caused by trying to be hybrid).

Thank you for taking the time to be a part of the Spring Summits of 2024. Your presence strengthens connections between your congregation and others in the conference!

Registration is now open for March 16 Virtual Summit only, due by March 12.

Spring Summits Schedules

Saturday, March 9

9:30am                 Welcome & Worship

10:30am               Break

10:45am               Youth & Young Adult Delegates Discussions

12:00pm               Lunch

1:00pm                 Spending Plan

2:30pm                 Dismissal

Saturday, March 16

9:00am                 Welcome & Worship

9:45am                 Youth & Young Adult Delegates Discussion

11:00am               Break

11:15am               Spending Plan

12:15pm               Dismissal


The Docket

The first page is the schedule, followed by a proposal for adding Youth & Young Adult Delegates to the list of delegate options for each congregation in IMMC. This document will help to inform the table conversations in the, so I would advise you to please read these in advance of the meeting. Please note that there will be table assignments that you will receive upon your arrival. The conversation around the table will be guided and you will need to assign someone to record notes to summarize your conversations. The proposed Spending Plan for 2024-2025 is the final piece of the the docket. This will be presented in more detail but it would be good to familiarize yourself with the plan before the Summits.

Discernment Etiquette

These are some good guidelines to keep in mind as we gather to share in discerning how God is working in and through us. 

Previous Years

Spring Summits 2023

Spring Summit 2022