From the Missional Leadership Team
In the winter of 2007 I came across a list of open positions in the conference. My first thought was “Hmmm…I could enjoy being more involved with conference – this might be a good time in my life for that.” But the thought faded as I read over the list. Nothing sparked, and I laid it aside. A few weeks later I got a call asking if I’d consider serving as the IMMC rep to the MCC Great Lakes Board, and I chuckled. The Spirit had prepared me for that call. I knew the timing was right, and here was a position which had failed to make that list, but was just the fit I was looking for.
This summer the Missional Leadership Team is working to fill two vacant positions on the Gifts Development Team, the team that does that important work of collecting and brainstorming names of people across the conference who might be called to various positions, and then calling to invite them.
This is Spirit work –it is the Spirit who gives gifts to the Body and calls us to take our places in doing the work. It is particularly challenging and exciting Spirit work at this time in our conference since we have committed to distributing power and leadership more equitably across ethnic and cultural lines, which means strengthening and broadening our relationships and knowledge of each other and the gifts that we have to offer.
The MLT trusts that the Spirit is at work preparing a few of you for this Gifts Development shoulder-tapping task. We are listening to Spirit nudges and your nudges! If you believe that you or someone you know has the calling and gifts to serve on our Gifts Development Team, please submit their name and congregation to me ( or the conference office ( ).
And marvel with me at way the Spirit moves, giving even the smallest gifts, and then the recognition “Here’s the piece that fits for me now!” – all in the service of the big big work of healing and abundance for the world God loves!
-Brenda Meyer, Moderator