• Steve Slagel will be installed as transitional pastor and Sean Swanson as interim pastor at Kern Road Mennonite Church on August 6. Sharon Yoder and congregational coach Phil Waite will lead their commissioning.
  • Current congregational pastor openings in our conference include a ½ time position to join newly-called Maria Hosler Byler as co-pastor beginning in October, a ¾ time position to join Monica Miller at First Mennonite in Indianapolis, and a ¼ time position at Fairhaven in Fort Wayne. We invite your prayers for God to nudge potential applicants to apply for these openings.
  • The Intercultural Working Group presented a preliminary draft of recommendations at Annual Sessions. These included theological/ideological work, relational work, and structural/systemic work. The IWG will continue to refine the document so it can be made available to individuals and congregations.