- Joanne led worship for the Transition to Leadership group from AMBS at Camp Friedenswald April 21-23.
- Joanne will spend May 10-13 at Princeton Theological Seminary doing continuing ed work through the grant-funded Iron Sharpening Iron program.
- Mennonite chaplains from this region gathered for their quarterly meeting hosted by Mennonite Health Services on April 19. Meeting via zoom, since the start of Covid, has provided a meaningful connection for chaplains beyond the Goshen area. Sharon has been joining these meetings.
- Sharon joined the annual SENT conference via zoom on April 23. Hosted by Mennonite Mission Network, this year’s theme was “New Expressions of Church.”
- Sharon will meet with several congregational leaders in Michigan May 14-15. A visit is planned in Detroit on Saturday 14th with church planters Lucy and Simon Muange and Bonita Childs, pastor at Peace Community Church. On Sunday morning the 15th Sharon will officiate at the installation service of Michelle Merchant at Maple River Mennonite in Conway, MI. Congregational leaders from northern Michigan churches will gather in St. Ignace in the afternoon to meet Michelle and to deepen connections with one another.