Gifts Nomination Form

of Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference

The Gifts Development Team uses this form to help make connections between the peoples’ gifts and the needs of Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference. Nominate someone today!

Position and Team Descriptions

  • Missional Leadership Team (MLT): oversees IMMC, provides direction for decision-making while maintaining and offering a “big picture” perspective
  • Moderator-elect: 2 years as moderator-elect, then 2 years as chair of MLT and Annual Sessions
  • Conference Treasurer: works closely with the Conference Pastor and Stewardship Team
  • Gifts Development Team(GDT): catalyzes a “culture of call” in the conference of congregations, calls out gifts of people to serve in the conference, resources congregations
  • Leadership Enhancement Team (LET): tends to the well-being and growth of pastors and congregational leaders
  • Ministry Credentialing Team (MCT): oversees credentialing and congregational membership processes
  • Stewardship Team (ST): works closely with the Conference Pastor to oversee conference financial health, develops and maintains a conference budget, identifies potential revenue streams
  • Personnel Committee: To give oversight on behalf of the Missional Leadership Team to personnel agenda and issues related to conference staffing
  • MC USA Convention Delegates: represents IMMC at the denominational assembly