- Jonathan Landis will begin ministry as a pastoral team member at First Mennonite Church in Indianapolis, on November 1. Sharon will join their worship service November 3 to lead a litany of credentialing and commissioning.
- Sharon met with the leadership team of Kalamazoo Mennonite Fellowship via zoom on September 25 to prepare for their upcoming pastoral search.
- Sharon meets regularly with potential applicants for open pastoral positions in our conference. In September she had contact with 10 potential applicants for IMMC congregations.
- Joanne continues to meet with LET to plan for Pastors Gathering featuring input from Nekeisha Alayna Alexison anti-racism work.
- Joanne met with the other Qualified IDI Administrators to discuss continuing education on September 19th.
- Joanne met with safe church liaisons to discuss prevention and accountability on October 3rd.