• Joanne preached and led a litany of commissioning for interim pastor Peter Martin at Fellowship of Hope on January 12.
  • Sharon preached and led a litany of commissioning for newly appointed co-pastors Teresa Dutchersmith and Sean Swanson at Kern Road Mennonite Church on January 12.
  • Joanne relates with Leadership Enhancement Team and Gifts Discernment Team. Sharon connects with Ministry Credentialing Team, Stewardship Team, and Personnel Committee. Both Sharon and Joanne meet with our board of directors (Missional Leadership Team). These volunteer leadership teams guide the ministry of our conference.
  • Leadership Enhancement Team continues to work at ways pastors and leaders can grow their intercultural competence through sister churches. If you are interested in partnering with another IMMC congregation through fellowship, pulpit swapping, and mutual study, please contact Joanne.