Inner Soul Work Groups provide leaders contemplative space to tend their own inner soul in community with others. Meeting once a month for a full day retreat, participants follow the gentle rhythm of gathering, contemplative prayer, two hours of silence and solitude, lunch and afternoon group sharing of the spiritual journey with attentiveness to God’s transforming presence.
Who: This group experience is for clergy ministering in any setting. The maximum number is 6 participants.
When: Mondays or Fridays, once a month, from 9am to 3 pm. The number of sessions between September and May will be 6-8 based on enrollment.
Cost: $70 per session
Participants bring their own lunch.
This is the same price as an individual spiritual direction session and is for six hours rather than one. This is an opportunity to try group spiritual direction in a retreat setting. Participants will be billed in September and February
Facilitator: Brian Roots