Amigo Centre Updates
- Amigo Centre is excited to announce that it is taking reservations for personal retreats. We have divided the Retreat Center into four suites that allows for four separate individuals or households to safely stay at Amigo Centre. Each suite has a refrigerator and microwave. Come and spend time canoeing, hiking or sitting around a campfire. We also have a special pastor rates. At this time we are not ready to serve meals but hope to add that very soon.
- Amigo Park update. Amigo Park is open with limitations. The bathhouse and playground area will not be available. All units must be self-contained at this time. For questions or to make reservations call 269-651-2734.
- Camp in a Box. We had tremendous success with our “Camp In a Box” – due to cancellation of summer camp. We are now in process of creating 80 additional boxes for the children from St Joe County who would normally have come for a free week of camp. Donations to offset expenses for this project are appreciated. Thank you for your support!
- Know Jesus update: Every two years Amigo and Goshen College have been offering a Jr High group event on the campus of Goshen College in late July, early August. Due to many changes over the last number of years, Goshen College and Amigo have determined that we will no longer offer this event as it has been done over the last 20 years. Amigo will be looking at options for creating a space at Amigo in the future and welcomes input and feedback from current Jr high leaders and groups on what you would like to see going forward. Send your comments to or
- Women and Girls’ Retreat – SAVE THE DATE: The Women and Girls’ Retreat, traditionally held in the fall, has been moved to March 19-21, 2021. Due to the potential restrictions and hesitation around Covid-19, we felt this would put the retreat in a better position to be successful. More details will be coming in the next few months.
- Amigo Bike Michiana scheduled for September 11-13, 2020 has been cancelled, in consultation with MCC staff. We have determined that for safety concerns it is best not to hold this event this fall. Donations are still being accepted on behalf of this year’s project: Refugees in Ecuador. Go to to contribute directly. The date for Amigo Bike Michiana for MCC for 2021 is October 8-10. For more information visit