A word from MLT…
By Bob Yoder, moderator
This time of year the work of the MLT intensifies as we reflect on the March delegate meetings, hold two different all-day meetings in April and May, finalize plans for the series of pre-Annual Sessions webinars in early June and the June Annual Sessions. Then, we look forward to our annual retreat in August, where we start the “conference year cycle” all over again by reflecting on the past year and establishing goals for the year ahead, while keeping in mind our long-term future.
Several other significant changes will also occur this summer: I will “pass the conference Moderator baton” to Brenda Meyer, and two of our staff (Dan Miller, Conference Pastor & Anna Board, Administrative Coordinator) will move on from their ministries with us.
So much change in so little time. So many opportunities to lose track of so many important details. But so many opportunities for the Spirit to breathe anew. This last point is one reason why I relish change. Yes, I love history and tradition and consistency, but through those I have witnessed the Spirit’s leading when we yield ourselves to the Spirit.
I am finishing my seventh year on the MLT. Twenty years from now I will look back on my time with the MLT and remember the significant and intense changes, but I will also remember how a group of volunteer leaders fervently yielded themselves to the Spirit’s leading. This is my main takeaway of this experience in conference leadership. I am forever blessed.