Loving your neighbor during COVID

Many of us embraced hope when the COVID vaccine became available; the protection offered new possibilities for how to interact during this pandemic. Now the Delta variant creates new challenges. COVID transmission in most of Indiana and Michigan is high or substantial...

Resource available from MennoMedia

MennoMedia is offering the “What Now?” series designed specifically for pastors as they navigate the challenges and opportunities that have emerged as a result of the global pandemic. In August, September, and October subscribers will receive an email every other week...

SAVE THE DATE – Pastors Gathering November 8-10

Plan now to join us for this time of retreat and fellowship at Amigo Centre.  We will continue to monitor the COVID requirements and plan accordingly.   Watch for more details to come soon! ...


* Joanne Gallardo and Sharon Yoder are both in the office now and are beginning their work as our conference ministers. * Missional Leadership Team (MLT) will meet August 20-21 at Amigo Centre for their Annual planning retreat. We invite your prayers for this...


* IMMC staff and East Goshen Mennonite Church staff have begun meeting weekly for coffee. Moving from quick chatter in the hallway to intentional conversation at the table has been meaningful. And the snacks have been nourishing too! * Joanne, along with Conference...