Financial Reports

The income for the month of January was $3,112 less than expected and $1,924 less than expenses.  For the year to date the income was $4,832 less than expected but $6,574 more than expenses. -Jim Norton, IMMC...

Amigo Centre Updates

FEBRUARY AMIGO HIGHLIGHTS February 20 – Shelter Building:  Learn winter survival techniques and how to make an emergency shelter. February 26 & 27 – Full Moon Campfire:  Options this month include a chili and cornbread supper and a night hike by...

Updates from Bethany

Employment Opportunities Bethany Christian Schools is accepting applications for three positions: Art instructor, Director of enrollement and an evening custodian. More information is available...

Hesston College-Online Event

What if They Don’t Come Back? Pastoring Through the Pandemic Pastors and church leaders have had unprecedented challenges during COVID-19. How do we care for each other when we can’t be together? How do we move toward each other in a time of historical division if we...